Veneto: the Villas
Veneto is Palladian Villas, the Riviera del Brenta Villas, and more…
The Palladian Villas cover a huge part of the Veneto region, from Verona to Vicenza, from Padova to Treviso and Venice – among the most famous HelloVeneto suggests Villa La Rotonda, Villa Valmarana, La Malcontenta and Villa Emo...
Riviera del Brenta Villas: many venetian villas are opened to the sightseeing, they are also observable from the River Brenta thanks to the Burchiello, a typical boat restored for touristic purposes which sails from Padova to Venice. Villa Pisani in Strà organizes events, shows and exhibitions.
The Secret Villas: Villas which are not mentioned in most travel guides, Villas which are scattered throughout the Veneto countryside and organizes parties, wine-tasting happenings, jazz contests.
Write to a specifi tour to the Villas you prefer. HelloVeneto informs you about tickets and events, finds out restaurants and hotels, organizes transfers in coaches Grand Tourism, minibus and taxies.